Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Reading Response - Still Life

I always thought still life was shots exclusively shot in a staged platform. This would include setting the subject to the photographers preference, have lighting and such. After reading the still life reading assignment, I knew that this was not the case. For my still life practice, this is exactly what I did. I had my subject placed as well as the lighting exactly how I wanted. For my final still life project, I will explore shooting more natural lighting and natural subject placements. For the in class still life practice, the objective was to chose our placement, however, I found that the room my group and I chose to shoot in had beautiful natural lighting and many interesting subjects. The reading assignment suggests that shots of still life, or photography in general, need time. Shots must not be rushed to conclude in a good result. I am taking this advice and practicing to be more patient while taking my shots so they turn out the way I'd like them to.

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